Sunday School News

Did you ever wonder what goes on downstairs at St. Paul’s on Sunday morning? It’s no secret. The Sunday School is alive and well!

We continue to work with a curriculum called "Lesson Plans for Small Congregations" which is a lectionary-based course, so each Sunday the children downstairs are studying the same gospel lesson that is being heard upstairs. It’s in many ways a kid friendly version of "grown up" church. We listen to music, we pray, we read the lessons together, we think and talk about them, and we do a fun activity that helps us grasp the concepts of the week’s text. Then as quietly as we are able, we tiptoe into the sanctuary to join the parish for the Eucharist. After the prayers and communion, we head back down to touch base once more on the lessons of the day, look to the week ahead and finish cleaning up before joining the congregation in fellowship.

All students (Kindergarten and up) are welcome to join us during the 9:30 service. The more you attend, the more you’ll get out of it, but weekly attendance is not required. We can always adapt the lesson plan to groups of different sizes, so if the urge strikes, please don’t hesitate to stop in!

We also welcome visitors of all ages. I believe any adults who venture downstairs will be greatly impressed, as I have been, by the knowledge, faith and generosity of spirit of our young people, and I invite you to join us anytime.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. I can be reached at 508-376-2471 or

-Jane McIntyre, Coordinator

Important notes:

The first Sunday of the month is the family service with children’s sermon at 9:30, so Sunday School will not meet separately.

Please encourage your child to leave toys at home. While we do admire their prized possessions, we’re here to learn, and always have the children set aside their toys before class begins. If you anticipate this being difficult for your child, please consider leaving the toys home or hold on to them for your child until after the service.

Stay tuned for news of our annual outreach for Heifer Project!


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